Oh Deer!

Sunday, as evening approached, I detected some movement on the lawn.  I looked up from the computer monitor and saw a deer.  This is a common experience, so I thought nothing of it.  A second passed by.  There are two does that frequent this area.  It was nothing special.  Two more passed, and I remembered the group of four that I’ve seen on several occasions.

And then . . . I stood to look there were more to be seen.  I counted at least twelve.  I went to the dining room area and snapped a picture in the failing light.

How many deer do you see?

I removed a section from the middle of the photo as I recomposed it.  That’s why you see the obvious break near the center of the image.

I watched the deer for a long time.  I didn’t attempt any more photos.  Lighting conditions were rapidly deteriorating.  Eventually they wandered off in twos and threes.

Monday morning I looked out the dining room window and saw this.

Overnight the deer had been all around the house and the trees.

I panned the camera up and to the right, where I saw:

Deer have been scraping back snow to get to grass. They’ve done this in several places around our house.

Remember: Beauty is where you find it.  The same can be said for joy and contentment.

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About Chuck

I am retired after a career in electronics and in publishing. Today, my wife of 50+ years, Sylvia, and I live in a house on a hill beside a dirt road in rural west Michigan. We enjoy living in this country environment where livestock and wild life out number the human population.

8 thoughts on “Oh Deer!

  1. Beautiful! It’s amazing how they survive in such rugged surroundings. I hope they found the grass they needed and didn’t eat your plants around the house.

    • Today the lawn is even more dug up as the get down to grass. Life is amazing, isn’t it? What a wonderful gift from the Creator. :awe:

  2. It’s amazing that there’s so much wildlife out and wandering around, and most of the time, we don’t even know/see it.

    We tossed old apples in the yard last week, just a one-time thing, and the deer marked the spot like in your picture, and they left their mark to return…if you know what I mean. :beam:

    • Around here we see a lot of it. Okay the coyotes and the turkeys are very shy, as are the foxes, and yet we see them from time to time. While we were living in Connecticut there was a report of a mountain lion in the state. It comes as agriculture has dwindled and reforestation has taken over the land.

    • I didn’t have much choice if I wanted to use that shot . . . and I did. Our whole front yard is filled with deer tracks.

  3. I am pleased that you have that troupe to entertain you. Contentment is a blessing to be grasped, and clasped closely to the soul.

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