On Giving Thanks

This is the one day a year that we set aside in this country to give thanks for the good things that we have.  For the founders of this tradition, it was about survival.  For some folks it still is.

I am thankful for faith, and the faith community of which we are a part.  I am thankful for health and that my physical needs are met each day.  I am thankful for my blogger buds and other friends that support and encourage.

This year, like most, I am primarily thankful for that young gal I met in 1957 at a birthday party that both of us nearly missed.  But we didn’t.

Four years later we would wed.  She has always been there for me.  A more perfect mate and companion is impossible!

I am thankful for our two sons who are in some ways as different as night and day and in other ways it is obvious they got their DNA from the same sources.  I couldn’t be more proud of them.

The daughter-in-law is as perfect a mate for our older son as his mother is for his father.  I remember when they were dating how they would sit in the family room at our house and talk for hours.

The granddaughter is now 20 and a junior in nursing school.  Beautiful, talented and loving, she takes after her mom.

Thanks to these five people, I can make it through whatever the future holds for I am truly blessed beyond measure.

Sylvia joins me in wishing each of you a Happy and Blessed Thanksgiving.

No turkey will be consumed here.  Be at ease there big bird. :surrender:

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About Chuck

I am retired after a career in electronics and in publishing. Today, my wife of 50+ years, Sylvia, and I live in a house on a hill beside a dirt road in rural west Michigan. We enjoy living in this country environment where livestock and wild life out number the human population.

8 thoughts on “On Giving Thanks

    • Thanks! It’s one of my favorite shots of us. 😀 See also my reply to Verla’s comment. It was a chilly day, which also explains my posture. I was cold.

    • Bountifully blessed is the way I’d put it. We had a very nice Thanksgiving with two of my sisters and a b-i-l. :dance:

  1. The picture of you and your sweetheart as “youngins” is great! Now blessed you are.

    • Thanks. That pic is one of my favorites. It was a chilly autumn day and Sylvia was feeling the cold. I gave her my favorite white jacket to wear. She was comfortable and I was feeling cool in more ways than one. 😉

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