Feeling Daffy

The miniature daffodils are in bloom.  They are really neat.

A regular size daffodils puts the miniatures in scale.

A regular size daffodil puts the miniatures in scale.

Thus far only the dark yellows have blossomed.  We have some other shades, but they tend to blossom a little later.  I’ll keep watching.

Warm weather is now with us.  That’s kind of nice.  It means that it’s time to get outdoors and do some work on lawn and garden.

That’s a good thing.  Not only does it feel good, but it also helps one to sleep better at night.

An Encounter

It happened when it was not expected.  With my hands full of fallen branches, I was headed toward the brush pile when I saw them.  Enthralled, I watched them as they tried to hide in the afternoon shadows.  Assured they would be there in the morning, I returned after breakfast the next day and captured this image.

Content to bask in the sun in their home on the lawn.

Content to bask in the sun in their home on the lawn.

Last year, Sharkey told us what these are called.  I failed to make a note. :no:   These are beautiful spring flowers.  Fortunately, there are more this year than there were last year.  When mowing, I’ll skip this part of the grass while they are in bloom.

I wanted to get better acquainted and so moved closer.  They posed nicely for their close-up.

These delicate beauties are about thumb-nail size.

These delicate beauties are about thumb-nail size.

Spring snows are gone.  Warmer temperatures are taking control.  Life is good.


CozyKittyHappiness is . . .

  • A choice.
  • Waking up on the green side of the grass.
  • Holding your new-born child.
  • Being with all your grandchildren.  (For now she lives in another state.)
  • Being at peace with God and man.  (Thanks, Sylvia)
  • A trip to the endodontist that ends with no root canal.

That last one happened to me today.  I’ve been pain free for a week and neither cold nor tapping elicited feelings of pain or discomfort.  So it’s, “Let’s wait and see what happens.”  I’m good with that.

What makes you happy.

The Beat Goes On

Yesterday, I posted a pic of April snow.  Before going to bed, I snapped another shot of the scene.

April 8, 2015

April 8, 2015

This morning I woke to discover a fluffy layer of snow covering the entire neighborhood.  I want to go back into hibernation and wake when it’s over.  Okay?

Who Forgot?

April 8, 2016

April 8, 2016

I think someone failed to issue the memo.  It is April.  We’ve already had a snowy week, and now were in the second week.  More to come, but the long-term outlook is for warmer air and clearer skies.  Okay bring it on.  I can stand it.

Today is our younger son’s birthday.  Here’s wishing you all the best, Scott.




Joan’s Giveaway

Joan H Young at book signing

I met Joan several years ago online, mostly because we are both bloggers from Michigan.  I’ve enjoyed reading her posts on My Quality Day as they contain a lot of outdoor pix and, sometimes, some scientific info about the featured plant or animal.

Joan, aka Shark or Sharkey, is giving away this beautiful window pane afghan:

You can read more about the giveaway here: Shark Bytes and Tales.  While you are there you can read more about Joan and her published works.

The first book by Joan that I read was North Country Cache.  This is her story of hiking the entire North Country Trail.  Would You Dare? is a devotional that comprises twelve compact biographies of Christians who have dared.  I found that very inspirational.

My favorite is the Dead Mule Swamp Mysteries this series is available at Smashwords, or Amazon. You can also find it and more at Barnes and Noble.

Joan writes in an easy-to-read style.  I find her books tend to draw me in and I lose myself in the tale.  I urge you to check it out.  If you have a Nook or Kindle, The Hollow Tree at Dead Mule Swamp is available for free download.

It is not to late to win that afghan for your very own.  Check it out.

One of Those Days


Saturday, the snow began to fall.  Large flakes hit the ground and soon disappeared.  What would you expect from snow in April?

Snow fall intensified.  Certainly it won’t accumulate–but it did.


Saturday evening, the sun set on a snow-covered scene.  Sunday, it slowly went away, leaving the earth green once again.

Missed It by That Much


Monday evening, I looked out a window to see the setting sun centered between the neighbor’s two silos.  The red ball was only half visible above the trees.  I knew that I couldn’t get the camera in time.  I tried anyway.

Tuesday evenings, we have a small group that meets in our living room.  As folks were leaving I remembered to quickly take my camera outside to capture the setting sun.  As Maxwell would say, “missed it by that much.”

That walk was not a total loss.  There is a calm stillness that fills the sunset scene.  Diurnal critters cease their activities and nocturnal critters have yet to begin theirs.  For me, it says, “Peace.”

Posted in sky

Easter Surprise

Last Saturday, I checked for new blossoms.  None were out.  I took this picture with the intention of posting it today under the banner of “Promises of Things to Come.”


On Easter, I went out again on another scouting mission.  Just below the new basement window–it had been replaced on Saturday–I discovered these.


It was very special to find those first blossoms on Easter.  I can’t find words to tell you how I felt.


It looks like we are in for a good week.