
Magi followed the star

Magi followed the star

Today, January 6, is Epiphany — the day we celebrate the visit of the magi to the Christ child.  It is also the twelfth day of Christmas.

Five hundred years earlier, Daniel and his companions, were taken in captivity to Babylon.  There these fellows rose to high rank among the wise men of that empire.  Daniel was elevated to a position of leadership in three empires.

I’ve often wondered if the magi mentioned in Matthew had learned from Hebrew scriptures and the teachings of Daniel.  It makes sense to me.

Today marks the end of the Christmas season at our house.  Soon the decorations will come down and family pictures will once again grace the mantle.

Seventh Blogaversary

Secondary Roads

Secondary roads,
Take you off the beaten trail,
Lead you to less stress.


My first blog post went online seven years ago today.  Much has changed in that time.

In those first few years, I’d spend up to six or seven hours per day cruising blogs and clicking on badges.  It was hard work trying to increase my blog rating.  Fortunately, that has gone the way of the dinosaur.  Family and close friends are now my target audience.  I blog to please them.

I also blog to learn.  There is always something new to discover and to try.

Thanks for joining me on this journey down secondary roads.  Here’s looking forward to this next year of blogging.


Here’s wishing you the best in 2016.


And may the farce be with you.

Facebook has cured me from using expressions like, “Happy Birthday.”  If you’ve been on FB, you know why.  Your friend has a birthday, and almost everyone posts the same two words.  How about some originality, folks?  My blogger buds do much better in that regard.

Sylvia joins me in wishing you all the best in 2016.  Do keep in touch.  Write if you find work.

Thanks Generac

Not from here . . . courtesy npr.org

Not from here . . . courtesy npr.org

Yesterday we kept an eye on the weather.  The erudite prognosticators were warning that the approaching winter storm could leave us with a quarter to a half-inch of ice on trees and power lines.  In keeping with a long-time tradition, they missed it.  We had no signs of icing on trees or lines in this neighborhood.  The ice stayed in balls and fell to the ground where it accumulated.

Unfortunately, they were right about the 50 mph wind gusts.  The power went out just before 8 PM.  Power company breakers tried to reset three times, and then dropped out for the duration.

We shut down all unnecessary systems and devices.  Sylvia was in the office and immediately shut off both of our computers.  Twenty seconds later, our emergency power system kicked on.

Living in this rural area, we are never high on the priority list.  That’s true for snow removal on the roads, power restoration and more.

I don’t care.  I love this life and will endure whatever comes this way for as long as I am able.

Christmas 2015


This December, the characters have been making their way to the stable.  Yes, I know the magi didn’t visit the stable, nor would they have been present with the shepherds.  Yet, they are all a part of the Christmas story and the birth of Christ.

Tomorrow, the shepherds will return to the their flock and pasture land.  The magi will continue until January 6 (Epiphany).

After that the characters will retire for another eleven months.  Family pictures will again grace the mantle.

Plans Gone Awry

We were going to visit Sylvia’s sister today.  Her two sons are back home with their families.  A Christmas-Eve storm took out their power.  The gathering was cancelled.

A niece was returning to Michigan with her family.  They had a meeting with a deer.  On the road.  Oh what fun.

Just 4 You

From both of us here at Secondary Rds, our song of the season for regular readers and visitors too.  Best wishes to you and yours now and in the new year.
 Sing along with us:
Wee Fish
A Mare

Sylvia & Chuck

Did you ever?

I was following Sylvia to the body shop.  Our mission was to have the stone pecks in our windshields repaired.  When we got to the paved road (insert Jeff Foxworthy joke here), we turned right and drove almost two miles.  That’s when we saw the roadkill on the center line.  A hungry feathered friend was enjoying a meal.

Northern Goshawk - courtesy of Audubon.org

Northern Goshawk – courtesy of Audubon.org


We don’t often see a goshawk.  For that reason, it’s always very special to me.  This one flapped her wings a bit as Sylvia’s Jeep passed.  She was still there when I approached in my car.  She only looked up as I slowly passed with wonder-filled eyes.

Today, the high temp is forecast at 60 F.  It’s almost there now.  Winter?  As the cliché says, “So far, so good.”

Spidey Junior

As Sylvia brought her into the house she said, “Meet Spidey Junior.”


We’ve had a spider plant (Chlorophytum comosum) in our home for most of our married life.  This plant will reduce air pollution in your home.  A house just doesn’t feel like a home to me without a spidey.

For the last decade we’ve only had one of these.  Sylvia brought this one home from the farm house after her father passed.  Thing were a bit crazy then and so she hung Junior from mom’s pot.  She’s still there today.  One of my next projects will have to be preparing a new home for Spidey Junior.

We also know this gal by her Spanish name, la mala madre (the bad mother).  They call her that because she kicks out her children.  Come to think of it, we do that too.

Is This Winter?

With a high temperature of 50 F forecast for Christmas day, I wanted to capture a picture of snow while it was falling today.


Our friend, Ratty, recently  posted pix of falling snow and shared the secret to capturing images of that snow.  I tried it, and it works.  Not much snow to see, but that’s okay by me.

I also checked out the view from the other end of our house.


I’m thinking green Christmas.  I can stand it.  Can you?