
Surprise!  Where did this come from?

Surprise! Where did this come from?

I went out to “grandma’s garden” to gather some catnip for Nellie.  And I saw this pansy.  I don’t recall it being there before.  Perhaps Sylvia planted it when I wasn’t looking?  Or maybe I just forgot.  That’s probably the more likely case.

The title for this post is taken from a newsletter from missionary friends that are serving in the middle east.  Here is what they said:

Patience isn’t the ability to wait
but the ability to have a good attitude while waiting.

That tiny snippet is an excellent reminder.  At least it is for me.  Once I make a decision, I’m ready to spring into action.  That’s not always the smartest thing to do.  Fortunately, I have Sylvia to help moderate my impulsiveness.

I missed her today when I met with Paul, our financial adviser.  I’m supposed to tell her that he insists she be present at our next meeting.  I got a bit carried away with word games during our conversation.

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About Chuck

I am retired after a career in electronics and in publishing. Today, my wife of 50+ years, Sylvia, and I live in a house on a hill beside a dirt road in rural west Michigan. We enjoy living in this country environment where livestock and wild life out number the human population.

6 thoughts on “Patience

  1. Pansies and violas have a tendency to self-seed. That’s what I love about them—they pop up in the most unexpected places. I leave them be….I like their surprise element.

    • We are leaving it alone. It’s such a happy surprise to find those happy colors in what is otherwise a sea of green. 😎

    • We tend to think of it more in the terms of we complete one another. Which is as it should be. Right?

      I like that pansy surprise. :clap:

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