Recognition ~ Thanks & Awards

Thanks to all my regular visitors. You’ve been a big encouragement to me. You have left your comments and some of you have entered into private communications with me. It has been great to get to know you and to appreciate you.

Special thanks to top Entrecard droppers. I recognize you daily in the dropaholics list in the left-hand column. Your regular visits are most welcome.

Thanks Lin for this Lemonade Award.

If life hands you lemons, make lemonade. That’s the idea behind this. Ever the party girl, Lin is having a party and I don’t want to miss it. If I fall nod off, can I sleep on your couch?

I’m passing the Lemonade Award on to some folks who have been handed lemons in their lives. Rather than sucking on those lemons and being sour pusses, they have made their own brand of lemonade. Hats off and a bow to:

The care-giving daughter: Her mother is suffering from Alzheimer’s. My mother went through that. It is a difficult situation for a person to deal with. She has, and she has shared it with us.

Reggie Girl at Midlife, menopause, mistakes and random stuff…: has come out of a difficult past and is building a better life for herself and those she holds dear. Steady on . . .

The Lyoness at Ex-Mormon Stories: has made a break with family traditions and is forging new frontiers in her life. Having found that she is not alone, she is encouraging others. Think of this as recognition to you for the hope you bring to others.

Jill at Jill’s Believe It Or Not: Once a troubled youth, she is now wife and mother to great daughters. Very creative and funny, she proves that the past doesn’t have to be an anchor to hold you back.

Let these examples encourage you to make lemonade.

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About Chuck

I am retired after a career in electronics and in publishing. Today, my wife of 50+ years, Sylvia, and I live in a house on a hill beside a dirt road in rural west Michigan. We enjoy living in this country environment where livestock and wild life out number the human population.

5 thoughts on “Recognition ~ Thanks & Awards

  1. I don’t know the rest of those ladies, but I know for sure that you and Jill deserve to make some nice cold lemonade!

    Justine 😮 )

  2. hi! your blog is very interesting 🙂
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    if possible add me in your blog roll. i will return my favour!!

  3. Oh, you picked some good ones, Chuck! And don’t be so modest about the party–who was the first one with the lampshade on his head?!!!!

  4. I think that you are possibly one of the kindest people that I don’t really know Secondary Roads…..and yet I kind of know you. Thanks so much for the sweet recognition. I appreciate it so very much. I probably won’t post it because…….well…I blog for me and for the animal’s that I so love. You are right, I have had a most difficult past but, God has been so good to me and I am so richly blessed each and every day that I couldn’t ask for any more reward than that.
    I want women, and men, and kiddo’s to know that they can make it in this world if they will just make peace with themselves. If you can make peace with yourself and God….anything and al things are possible.
    Oh thank you so much, you brought a tear to my eye and I appreciate knowing you and all of your kindness. You have an amazing heart sir……

    Steady On
    Reggie Girl

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