Signs in the Driveway

Thursday is trash day.  Rain was headed our way.  I could see it on the online radar loop.  I had collected our trash from various wastebaskets and left the collection in the kitchen.  Sylvia then added the garbage, closed the bag and sat it by my car.  We usually meet our son for lunch on Thursdays, and so all of that is just part of the routine.

After checking my favorite blogs, I went into the kitchen.  The trash was gone and Sylvia was outside.  We would not be meeting our son, because he was out of state on business.  I retrieved the trash and carried it down to the roadside for the trash hauler to take away.  On that errand I saw signs in the driveway–signs of life, and [perhaps] death.

For those of you who do know scat, perhaps you can confirm that this was left by a raccoon.  This “sign” has been there for a couple of days.

This is newer and has some other stuff in it.  At times like this, I realize that I don’t really know scat.  Perhaps I know enough to spot this as emanations from a raccoon.  Signs of life and well fed critters by the looks of things.

What does this wad of fur mean?  Was there a fight in the driveway the previous night?  Did a vulture burp this out as he flew over.  I don’t know–not very good at sign language.

This was my favorite sign in the driveway.  These blossoms are growing in a nearly invisible crack in the edge of the pavement.  It brightened my day and improved my outlook.  What makes you feel better?

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About Chuck

I am retired after a career in electronics and in publishing. Today, my wife of 50+ years, Sylvia, and I live in a house on a hill beside a dirt road in rural west Michigan. We enjoy living in this country environment where livestock and wild life out number the human population.

13 thoughts on “Signs in the Driveway

  1. More than you ever wanted to know, perhaps:

    Yes, the varmints are well-fed these days at our expense. We are down two hens and have taken to locking up the chicken feeder at night. I have followed your other neighbor’s suggestions and switched to marshmallows in the trap. We are down one skunk so far.

  2. Opossum? I find opossum poops in my yard all the time. I really love when they wipe their hineys on my perennials–that’s so nice. Ugh.

    Years ago, we were at the Children’s museum in Boston. In the restrooms, they have displays of all different types of animal scat on the walls. It’s kind of funny…and appropriate. Of all things my kids remember, it’s that. Isn’t that funny?!

    • Raccoon and opossum are regular visitors here. Them seem to be particularly attracted to my neighbor’s chickens.

      Smart move by the museum. I remember several years ago one of the stores in the mall where we would shop when we lived in Connecticut had garden sculptures made from scat. The idea is that you put them among your flowers and over time the rain would erode them, and they in turn would feed the plants. Go figure.

  3. LOL Vanilla!!!

    This post is actually perfect timing. The daughter spotted something similar in the driveway the other day, and we were all concerned that our outdoor kitty, Fuzzy, was bleeding internally or something. Oh, it’s raccoons. Good heavens, we have loads of raccoons. I am relieved…. but disgusted!

    • That’s not bleeding that’s berries. I used to see those “signs” under the mulberry tree, but no berries there this year. 🙁

  4. We see lots of this kind of “stuff” on our walks out in the forest. We have a friend who teases kids by saying that his boston peanuts are elk droppings.

  5. Doesn’t look like coon to me. They usually are more formed but the lack of pointed ends says raccoon, so it’s possible. All those pits could be breaking up the shape. Look like cherry pits- where would a critter find those this year? Someone’s trash? That sort of says raccoon.

    • I was hoping you’d help me out with this one. The pits had me confused too. There were three piles on the driveway.

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