Six Sure Signs of Spring

No 6. Canada Geese honk as they fly by in formation.

No 5. The distinctive odor of skunk wafts on the [otherwise] fresh breeze.

No 4. Friendly farmer folk fertilize fields [sniff the otherwise fresh breeze].

No 3. Red, Red Robin seen bob-bob-bobbing along.

No 2. Red-winged black bird on the bird feeder.

No. 1 Sure Sign of Spring. The poor-man’s concrete (frozen earth) melts and the road in front of my house looks like the photo above. No wait. That photo is of the road in front of my house. Does that means it’s spring?

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About Chuck

I am retired after a career in electronics and in publishing. Today, my wife of 50+ years, Sylvia, and I live in a house on a hill beside a dirt road in rural west Michigan. We enjoy living in this country environment where livestock and wild life out number the human population.

6 thoughts on “Six Sure Signs of Spring

  1. Too cute!!
    My top sign that spring is springing or we are at least having a day or two heat wave in Wyoming is….
    The dogs start stinking and look more like they have been playing in a mud bog than the back yard!

  2. They should be flying over soon. I am in Oklahoma and they left quite a few weeks ago.


  3. My favorite bird is the Red-Winged Blackbird! I love its call.

    Where I live, the signs of spring are:

    1. The idiot down the block racing his ATV up and down the street at 75 mph

    2. Yip Yap the Non-Stop Barking Dog is back outside….for the next 6 months.

    3. My next door neighbor is smoking outside again–and in MY house.

    4. Same neighbor on his cell–and I hear EVERY single word of his conversation.

    5. The next door neighbors trash is harboring maggots which stinks up my yard.

    Sigh. I love spring. I hate my neighbors.

  4. Tiney,
    Pave a road that has only 5 houses in this mile? (The next mile south has 4 houses.) Not going to happen. Okay with me. Traffic goes to the paved roads.

    Reggie Girl,
    She sure is a be-yoot! It’ll be a couple more months before most of our garden gets planted. Yes the smell of spring is in the air. In this rural (agricultural) community that means skunk and natural fertilizer from the cow barns.

    — Chuck

  5. Hey you, I saw the Red, Red Robin come Bob, Bob, Bobbin along in my back yard as well. Ain’t she a be-yoot?
    I overfeed my birdies and they give me so much joy.
    I’m soooo ready for Spring Secondary Roads. My beautiful trees have little buds waiting to peep out……Easter celebration at our house this year….putting my spring veggies into Mother Earth after praying over my seeds.
    Ahhh,,,, you can almost smell the season coming in can’t you?

    Steady On
    Reggie Girl

  6. Okay, why isn’t the road in front of your house paved? Your cars must be filthy, huh?
    Yep, spring is on its way for sure. Although it’s 43 degrees outside now which doesn’t feel very spring-like. I kind of dread spring here though, because basically we don’t have it. We go from bearable and unbearable in a matter of days. Waaaaaaaaaaaaa

    Justine 😮 )

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