The Envelope, Part 3

I apologize for the photo I posted yesterday.  Not even family members could pick me out of that lineup.  I’m still searching for the 5th grade individual photo.  In an effort to atone for my bad, here is a photo from first grade.

Click on the photo to see it enlarged.  My friend, Duane is in the third row.  He is the fourth one from the left.  Can you find me this time?

Do you think I deserve this award?

Please say, No.

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About Chuck

I am retired after a career in electronics and in publishing. Today, my wife of 50+ years, Sylvia, and I live in a house on a hill beside a dirt road in rural west Michigan. We enjoy living in this country environment where livestock and wild life out number the human population.

8 thoughts on “The Envelope, Part 3

  1. Clara, I'm sorry I forgot how very, very much older my dad is than you. No wonder you have so much more energy than he.

    Even with the bigger picture, I find it hard to see the resemblance… Maybe if it were a John Deere hat rather than Cub Scouts…

  2. It's not your bad…it's my eyes that are bad. You don't want to know how thick my glasses are and I see double to boot. And if I am tired…forget it.

    I am one of those who would have never survived in earlier times. I am definitely not "fittest" heh heh

    Cute pics!

  3. Bryant, I was born the year your dad was in 5th grade so I don't really remember what he looked like then. I chose the one with his eyes closed because I remember (from pictures) how scrawny looking he was in high school.

    This one is much easier because I've seen more pictures of him when he was little. So I guess 3rd row 2nd from left.

    I see Dave K in the upper left corner. Did they just reuse this pic for the 5th grade? He looks exactly the same. I did see Norm in this one – 4th row 2nd from left. The girl next to him is the one I recognize but can't think of her name. I'm thinking Norm is last in 4th row of the 5th grade pic.

  4. I am not even going to play, but you are making me think about pulling out some old school photos…or maybe not.

  5. Yes! What do you expect, when you ask me to say no. haha.

    OK, I think you are the third row, second from the left.

  6. No you don't deserve the Razzie Award! This is a fun game, even if it's hard. 😉

    OK, here goes my guess again– made a little easier since a good portion of your class was girls! Are you in the second row, third from the left?

    Rebecca @FreakyFrugalite

  7. Ha. Are you sure you're not making things worse? Stop messing with our heads already.

    Cute bunch of kids, though.

  8. OK, I have to admit I never realized you were ever a child…childish-YES (and quite)!, but an actual little kid…hmmm, trying to wrap my head around it.

    There are only 2 possibilities, as I see it…both in the 2nd column. I am guessing that you are in the 3rd row.

    Then in 5th grade could you be the last one in the 4th row? (trying to throw us off by not smiling…)

    (I can't believe your sister can't even figure this out…Aunt Clara, were you only looking in the mirror at this age?)

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