A lot of my lawn looks like the portion in the photo above. It’s saving me a lot of $$ on diesel fuel for my tractor. 🙂
The grass is brown, but the weeds–at least some of them–flourish. If it wasn’t for the weeds the scene would be pretty sad.
Is it more weeds or a bit of ground moisture here? What do you think?
I’m thinking, “weeds.” But I could be wrong. I’ve been wrong before.
The prognosticators are saying a chance of rain this afternoon. I’m with my farmer neighbors in hoping that they are right this time.
At least Saturday evening the long pattern of unseasonably warm temperatures finally broke and we’re back to seasonal highs in the mid 80s with lows in around 60. It is a lot more comfortable for most of us.
Oh, it’s bad here too. The usual plush carpet-like lawn is brown and icky–hurts to walk on it. The landscaping and gardens are okay, but not great. I have been watering them to save them.
Even the pond is struggling. The water is hot and has to be cooled twice a day. We did a partial change yesterday to cool it off and take advantage of the cooler temps lately. Then we had a raccoon do some damage last night–we are back to battling them apparently. I ordered an electric fence….finally.
Not a fun summer by any means.
Sections of our yard look like that. My vegetable garden is in bad shape. But we still have a whole lot of greenery for no rain in almost a month. There’s a lot of underground water here. I don’t miss the rain one iota, but I do feel for the farmers.
We are just getting the heat. We does drank THREE buckets of water yesterday. The publicist was not happy about having to fill and carry them. heh heh