Verifications Words

First a Falcon Update: Last night the Falcons suffered their first regular season defeat in conference play.  They lost to a very strong Hudsonville Eagles team 14 to 2.  Briana scored both of the Falcons goals.  She was not smiling like she is in the photo.  They play again Thursday evening.

Verification Words

Don’t you love those strings of letters you have to enter to file a comment on some blogs?  I do!  They are fun!  Recently, I’ve encountered real words like Locos, Retie and Slush (not that I like to be reminded of winter).  What about those other seemingly meaningless strings?  Could they be code words?  It is possible.

Here are some verification “words” that I’ve been asked to enter and what I think they mean:

Abless – The noun form means a capable female.  The adjective refers to one like me who has an absence of visible abs.

Dinglet – This is what your car received the other day in the parking lot.

Hagical – Having to do with an old witch.

Ovaly – Describes motion in an egg-shaped pattern.

Repolog – The records of a repo man.

Subbloc – A device that prevents submarines from entering a harbor.  Alternatively, it is a means of securing a deli sandwich from would-be raiders.

Testit – What you do with a mechanism after you have fixed it.

Wifine – Excellent wireless communication for your lap-top computer.

Here’s one that I was not sure about.  Can you help?


What do you think it means?  Did I get any of the others wrong?  I really would like your help.  Please.

This entry was posted in humor, water polo by Chuck. Bookmark the permalink.

About Chuck

I am retired after a career in electronics and in publishing. Today, my wife of 50+ years, Sylvia, and I live in a house on a hill beside a dirt road in rural west Michigan. We enjoy living in this country environment where livestock and wild life out number the human population.

10 thoughts on “Verifications Words

  1. Well- I also saw re-drates first, but I can't decide what it is to "drate," so I'm going with: What you pay for utilities when the cost of gas and electricity goes higher than your budget.

  2. Clara, Thanks sis. I love you. FWIW, I saw the break after "re"–like you. It might be genetic? I don't have a favorite response, because I liked what Sandi and Pricilla said too.

  3. I'm looking a different pronunciation that Sandi and Pricilla. I was thinking that this is what you're doing when you drink huge amounts of liquids after you've let yourself dry out.

    I really like your other definitions.

  4. Sandi, Good answer.

    Rebecca, Thanks. I try to do this about once a month.

    Pricilla, I'm sure that Sandi found your daffynition very witty. It was no surprise that the Falcons lost to the Eagles. The surprise was that they had beat them in tournament play earlier.

  5. Sandi – my mind is more in the gutter than yours. I was going with what you pay at the bordello.

    Well, I am sorry that the Falcons lost but I am sure they will learn something from it. Good fro Briana!

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