Wordless Wednesday ~ Persistence of Life

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About Chuck

I am retired after a career in electronics and in publishing. Today, my wife of 50+ years, Sylvia, and I live in a house on a hill beside a dirt road in rural west Michigan. We enjoy living in this country environment where livestock and wild life out number the human population.

11 thoughts on “Wordless Wednesday ~ Persistence of Life

  1. Vanilla, That's what it's about.

    PJ, Thanks.

    Catsynth, It is an interesting contrast.

    Buggys, Agree. Nurtures hope.

    Grampy, Thanks.

    Lin, So when we're gone they'll still rule?

    Hearts, Thanks and hang in there.

    Shutterbug, That first one is in the garden. The other two are growing in a crack in the concrete expansion joint of the pad in front of our garage.

    Sharkbytes, Indeed. Flower in whatever place and condition in which we find ourselves.

    Chubskulit, I see it as a metaphor for those folk who bloom regardless of circumstances.

  2. The photos, especially the first one is gorgeous. I love it. I'd like to say that we don't have snow here, however it's been so cold these past few days that we have seen snow down to the 500 ft level. It is so beautiful.

  3. Is….that…..a…..DANDELION??! Arrrgghhhhh! Nuclear holocaust couldn't kill those darned things.

  4. Life certainly is tenacious.
    I like the bright colors against the white crystalline snow.

  5. snow-covered, frozen,
    like the persistent flower
    we hang onto life

    Persevere, my good man!

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