A Most Pleasant Visit

It started with an e-mail, which read in part, “If I were able to visit you and Sylvia next Sunday afternoon through Monday, would that work out?”  The reply shot back, “Yes, please make it work out if at all possible.”

It did work out and Sunday afternoon, as advertised, our company arrived.  Fun, fellowship and laughter followed.

Chuck, Shark and Sylvia

We had enjoyed a good visit together.  We talked about family, work, experiences, strange foods and [gasp] even blogging. :whaa:   Shark also posted about this, and you can see what she had to say by clicking here.

Sylvia and were looking forward to meeting Shark’s canine companion, Maggie.  We weren’t disappointed.  We met her and loved her.

Maggie relaxing on her bed.

I felt particularly good when I read on Shark’s blog, “Every once in a while,you meet someone who is more or less instantly a great friend. I feel that way about them.”  Strange Perhaps it’s not strange that that’s exactly the way we reacted to our first face-to-face contact with Shark.  After all, we had been online friends for a few years by that time.

All too soon, Shark had to return home.  (She has to work today.)  We reluctantly bid her and Maggie farewell.  All of us promised to get together again.  I’m looking forward to that.