With Hopes for Survival

This evening, Sylvia and I will be attending a Zumba class.  Can’t you see us now?

Already I feel energized!  Revved up.  Calories burning.  Fat melting away.  No . . .  Wait.  Is that fear?  Trepidation?  Probably all of the above.

Missy has been holding Zumba classes in our church’s community center.  I’ve been there a couple of times doing other things while her class was in session.  It looked like fun, but that high impact workout would not do well for arthritic old me.

Over the last four years we have watched as Missy has trimmed up and her energy level has gone way up.  Today she has pep in her step and her eyes sparkle.  For the last couple of years, she has been teaching regular Zumba classes.  Not only has she become an instructor, but is certified to teach water classes and now Zumba Gold, which is for folks like me.  I’m out of excuses.  I’ve been backed into a corner.  There is no escape. :surrender:   I’m going to have to man up and do it.

If you don’t see any posts here after this, you’ll know I didn’t survive. :beam: