Eye Exam

I had my eyes examined last week.  It had been about 13 months since my last eye exam, and that was not a pleasant experience.  I had been going to this business for over 10 years and had been mostly satisfied with the experience.  That was until last year.

Since my previous visit, we had upgraded our medi-gap insurance and optical had been added to our coverage.  The receptionist asked for my card, which I handed to her.  She took one look and quickly handed it back to me.  Sorry!  This is from Connecticut and we don’t accept this.  However, I was informed before I left that they had sent a “memo invoice” to the company.  (What does that mean?)

During the exam the optometrist informed me I had cataracts beginning to form and I would have to return in a year for another evaluation.  He also said, you have no symptoms now and this is not impairing your vision.

My prescription had shifted and I needed new glasses.  The optician took me through the process and I wasn’t very pleased with how that went.

Later, I returned to have the new glasses fitted.  The optician had a low cut top that seemed totally inappropriate for a professional person who has to work around people the way an optician does.  She “adjusted” the frames and sent me on my way.

The next week, I received a notification from our insurance that they had paid for my glasses.  I had to get a cash refund from the company.

I had to go back to have the frames readjusted.  It didn’t work any better.

I did not return to that place.


Sylvia had an ocular migraine earlier this year that was so bad that she feared that it was a detached retina.  Our primary care physician sent her to an ophthalmologist.  He found no problem and explained to her the potential causes for what she had experienced.  We were impressed, not only by the doctor, but by the entire staff.

That’s the eye care company that I went to this time.  I called and setup and appointment, then downloaded new patient forms from their Website.  I brought the completed forms with me to the appointment.  They copied insurance cards and returned them.

A while later a gal from the office came out and told me that she had called my insurance company and explained what would be covered.  (What a change!)

Up-to-date technology waited for me in the exam area.  And I was soon tested.  The optometrist came in and carefully examined my eyes.  I mentioned that I had been told of early stage cataracts.  She got serious as she gave me her full attention.  “The lenses of your eyes will yellow slightly with age due to ultra-violet light exposure.  That’s all you have and it is completely normal.  You have nothing to worry about.”

The optician was very helpful in explaining options in frames and lenses.  Completely professionally and appropriately attired.

What a contrast!  Color me happy. 8)