Easter Visitors

Snow drops blossom on west side of barn

As expected, the first spring blossoms were the snow drops.  They don’t get a lot of direct sunlight where they are planted.  For that reason, they are a bit slow in appearing.

By contrast, the crocus are looking to be nearly ready to burst out in their golden glory.  Daffodils and hyacinth usually follow shortly after.

Friends from church joined us for Easter dinner.  We were relaxing after the meal when the phone rang.  It was our granddaughter, Briana.  She would like to stop by to greet us if we were going to be home.  We were.  She’d call back later when she was on the way.

Later, the phone rang again.  I saw the name on the caller ID, so I received the call and said, “I bet this is my favorite granddaughter.”  (We only have one.)

She replied, “It is, but what if it had been somebody else?”

“In that case,” I said, “I’d have lost the bet.” 😉

She said that she had just turned onto our dirt road.  She also reported that she had a couple of guests with her.

A few minutes later she walked in the door with her parents.  Now there was a happy surprise.  We hadn’t expected to see any of them.

Some days are incredibly good that way.