Oh Deer!

Sunday, as evening approached, I detected some movement on the lawn.  I looked up from the computer monitor and saw a deer.  This is a common experience, so I thought nothing of it.  A second passed by.  There are two does that frequent this area.  It was nothing special.  Two more passed, and I remembered the group of four that I’ve seen on several occasions.

And then . . . I stood to look there were more to be seen.  I counted at least twelve.  I went to the dining room area and snapped a picture in the failing light.

How many deer do you see?

I removed a section from the middle of the photo as I recomposed it.  That’s why you see the obvious break near the center of the image.

I watched the deer for a long time.  I didn’t attempt any more photos.  Lighting conditions were rapidly deteriorating.  Eventually they wandered off in twos and threes.

Monday morning I looked out the dining room window and saw this.

Overnight the deer had been all around the house and the trees.

I panned the camera up and to the right, where I saw:

Deer have been scraping back snow to get to grass. They’ve done this in several places around our house.

Remember: Beauty is where you find it.  The same can be said for joy and contentment.