Sure Sign of Spring

After a long, hard, cold, snow-filled winter the neighborhood buzz is about spring.  Our friends are sharing reports of sighting robins and red-winged black birds and we’ve seen killdeer.  However it was Sunday, when I saw the first sure sign of spring.

We had gone out for lunch and were surprised that the restaurant had live music.  We sat next to the guitar-playing singer.  She was good!  Later she sat the guitar down and went to work at the keyboard.  Wow!  What an eclectic mix of classic hymns, show tunes and pop music kept coming our way carried on a rich and powerful voice.

Just before we left, she asked Sylvia and I what kind of music we liked.  We answered, “Country.”  She sang a couple of Patsy Cline songs.  Afterward I told her I was wrong.  “How’s that?” she wanted to know.  I replied, “I thought no one could sing those songs better than Patsy Cline.”

The singer turned to Sylvia and said that she knew her from somewhere.  Sylvia asked if she was the daughter of Bob and Rosemary.  She replied in the affirmative.  Then Sylvia told her that we live right across the road from them.  “Wow,” she said, “You’re the one that brings over the yummy fudge and other goodies at Christmas time, aren’t you.”  Sylvia is the one and told her so.

We were driving home feeling good after the nice meal (fish), the music and the chat.  I looked into the sky and saw that first sure sign of spring.

The buzzard of paradise

Yes, I was seeing a turkey buzzard.  Okay.  Spring is now officially here.  What marks the sure sign of spring for you?