What’s This?

Do you know what this tool is?

Handy, dandy, multipurpose tool

Take a closer look at it.

Patented June 7, 1882

What would I be using a tool of this vintage for these days?  Go ahead, try to guess.

Would you believe that this a useful tool for computer assembly?  Well, that’s what I used it for.

As I was assembling my desktop computer, I found that the case wouldn’t accept my two optical drives.  Metal in that area hadn’t been bent quite enough to allow sufficient clearance.  There was not room enough to insert a hammer in there, but I was able to use this tool to form the metal so that the drives would fit into the case properly.

Of course, this an old-fashioned monkey wrench.  But it can also be used as a hammer,  portable vise or a forming tool for bending metal.  It was one that my dad had, and I suspect he got from his dad–or more likely his granddad.  I’ve never used it for a wrench, but I do like to hold it in my hand.  It fits my hand perfectly and I feel like I’m holding a piece of history.

Will it ever look like this again?

Sylvia takes delivery of her 2011 Jeep Liberty

As I mentioned in the previous post, we had to get a photo of Sylvia’s Jeep at the dealership while it was still bright and shiny.  That was Wednesday morning by Wednesday evening, there was mud splattered all over the tires, doors and back of the vehicle.

We’ve been going through the owner’s manual as we try to learn all the features.  At the dealership, they helped Sylvia setup the vehicle for her.  I had to learn how and do it for myself.  When she starts the Jeep, the driver’s seat, mirrors and radio presets are all customized for her.  When I use my key, they are all setup for me.  How neat is that?

Yesterday, a friend confided to me, “I really covet your wife’s new ride.”  My response?  “Yah, me too!”

And On TV

We’ve been watching some of the action from the winter Olympics in Sochi, Russia.  We liked ice dancing, snow boarding, but most of all hockey (both men and women).  Last night Sylvia was in her basement exercise area watching figure skating while I was in the family room watching NASCAR.  The Daytona 500 is this Sunday on Fox.  Every indication points to a very exciting race this year.  Will you be watching?  Do you have a favorite team?

It’s Alive and Well

Someone at church complained about all the snow and cold that we’ve enjoyed this winter.  Someone else then spoke up and said, “This is a real winter, Winter has just been napping for the last forty years.”  I add two observations: 1. It has not been that bad.  2. It has not been that long.

We were hit with more snow overnight.  On Tuesdays, Sylvia works with a boy from Saranac.  Since they’ve been working together one hour a week, his attendance and grades have markedly improved.  She was a bit sad that school was cancelled today.  I wasn’t sad, I didn’t want her driving her sedan through this much snow.  (She could not have made it back up the driveway–there was packed snow and ice underneath the snow.  I spent my morning clearing the driveway with the tractor’s front-end loader.  (I finished with the fuel gauge on “E.”

On M-66 on the south side of I-96 this morning, county snow plow meets semi

Last night we heard the call go out from county central dispatch.  A metal object on the I-96 west-bound entrance ramp from M-66 had resulted in at least two vehicles with flat tires.  An officer was dispatched to the scene.  A few minutes later, the officer called back, requesting assistance as there were wrecked vehicles “on both sides of the road.”  We were feeling thankful that we didn’t have to be out moving around in those conditions.

This morning, while I was clearing the driveway, on M-66 just the other side of I-96 (at or near the exit ramp), an Ionia County snow plow had an incident as shown in the photo courtesy Fox 17.

It seems that there are multiple roll-overs and miscellaneous mishaps every time we get a bit of snow.  Folks must have forgotten how to drive safely.  But I could be wrong.

We’re kind of glad that Sylvia picks up her Jeep Liberty tomorrow.  We’ll have to take a photo at the dealership while it is still bright and shiny.  Because we live on a dirt road, shiny cars are a rare circumstance for us.

Finally, the garage door opener guy didn’t make it today . . .  Must have been the weather. :rolleyes:

Happy Valentine’s Day

As I mentioned in the previous post, today has been a busy day.  Sylvia picked out her valentine this morning.  She’ll take delivery next Wednesday.

2011 Jeep Liberty

We’d have preferred a lighter color, but this has low mileage and is loaded with the features we’d like to have.  Sylvia is particularly happy with the Garmin navigation system that is included.

We had lunch out today.  We wanted someplace extra special, so we went to the Big Boy.

For me, Sylvia is preparing pernil (roast pork) for supper.  It’s one of our favorite Hispanic meals.  Life is good ❗


We’ve been kind of busy here lately.  So much is going on.  And it seems we are in a swirl. :stars:

I tried to contact our garage door opener repair person.  Turns out he left the business a couple of years ago.  ❓    Oh well, we’ll keep looking.  I’ve tried a couple of things and am mostly out of ideas.

I called a friend for help with my new computer build.  He showed up today, and when he left, the computer was running and I soon had Windows 7 installed.  I’m super happy about that. :frolic:   Thanks Brian!

I’ll be trying some new software on the new computer.  I’m going to try Open Office on this one.  We’ve been using MS Office 2003, but support for that ends in a couple of months.  It’s time to move on.

Tomorrow (Friday) looks like another busy day.  Buckle my seat belt and hang on–tight! :uh:

Oh Deer!

Sunday, as evening approached, I detected some movement on the lawn.  I looked up from the computer monitor and saw a deer.  This is a common experience, so I thought nothing of it.  A second passed by.  There are two does that frequent this area.  It was nothing special.  Two more passed, and I remembered the group of four that I’ve seen on several occasions.

And then . . . I stood to look there were more to be seen.  I counted at least twelve.  I went to the dining room area and snapped a picture in the failing light.

How many deer do you see?

I removed a section from the middle of the photo as I recomposed it.  That’s why you see the obvious break near the center of the image.

I watched the deer for a long time.  I didn’t attempt any more photos.  Lighting conditions were rapidly deteriorating.  Eventually they wandered off in twos and threes.

Monday morning I looked out the dining room window and saw this.

Overnight the deer had been all around the house and the trees.

I panned the camera up and to the right, where I saw:

Deer have been scraping back snow to get to grass. They’ve done this in several places around our house.

Remember: Beauty is where you find it.  The same can be said for joy and contentment.

Chica Bella — Pretty Girl

I found myself wondering what I was blogging about five years ago.  I looked and found this story.  Perhaps you’ll find this anecdote humorous too.  Enjoy.

I was reading [now defunct blog], when I found an announcement of a contest: “Odd Remembrances — What are your strangest memories? What are the most unusual, out of the ordinary, twisted memories you can conjure?”

My first thought was that my sense of humor is twisted, but memories? And then I remembered what happened to me on one of my visits to Madrid.

Perhaps I was jet lagged — I don’t really remember. I had some time to myself and I went to El Corte Inglés, which is a Spanish mega-store. You can find just about anything at El Corte Inglés, and I wanted some CDs by José Luis Perales. So I walked the short distance to their nearest store.

I entered the part of the store that held music. It was huge! I looked for an employee as I walked into that area. I was in a hurry — my time was short. And then I saw the distinctive employee uniform, and began to approach.

I couldn’t walk up to this person, but I’d have to walk past, around a huge pillar and then come back a bit to talk to . . . Her. As I came nearer I could see it was a female. Tall, thin and perfectly groomed. Not a hair out of place. Not a wrinkle in the uniform. No it’s not a manequin — I saw her move. I’m sure I did.

I walked past the pillar and started to turn around the end of a large display case that was loaded with CDs. As I came around the end, she had moved closer and there I was face to face with this gal — this pretty girl. I was surprised, even shocked that I had almost walked into her. Time to ask where to find my music. I opened my mouth and said, “Aaaahh.” Brain freeze! Now what was it I wanted. Oh yes.

Before I could ask my question, she smiled, touched me on the arm and said, “Está bien esto pasa todo los días.” (That’s okay this happens every day.) We both laughed.

I asked my question. She directed me up the stairs to the second floor. I found the Perales CDs that I was looking for.

I’ll have to admit, I’m not sure what she meant by “It happens every day.” Does she almost walk into customers? Or do guys not know what to say when they see her? I neither know or care. But I still get a laugh when I remember that brief encounter in El Corte Inglés.



I slipped up and failed to mention here on Secondary Rds that yesterday was Nellie’s Gotcha Day!  It was a year ago yesterday that we brought her home from the shelter.

She has gained so much in comfort and confidence in being here with us.  I’m convinced that she had been abused in the past.  I can still see the evidence in some of her behaviors.

A lot has happened in our lives over this past year.  One of the better parts of the period was bringing Nellie home to live with us.

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