
Bring beauty & joy to life

Bringing beauty & joy to life

I’ve just updated WordPress.  This is the first post with the new version.  Here we go . . . another learning curve to climb.  And that has been the story of my life the last few months.

It started with building a new computer and installing Windows 7.  I was happy with XP, but that doesn’t put money in the corporate coffers.  :no:    So I’m doomed to a new, enhanced experience that I didn’t need or want.

In the past week, my hosting company updated the version of PHP (the programming language that we use for our blogs) to version 5.4.  That resulted in a modified appearance on this blog.  The background image was behind article text after the change.  Woodland in autumn has given way to a solid color.  I’ll try to dig deeper into that when I can find some time.  (Not easy to do when Sylvia is with her father this week.)

Flash Update

While previewing this article before publishing, I noticed that the background problem was solved.  I’m glad to see the autumnal woodland background once more.  I got ahead of myself.  Still on the learning curve.  Arrrggh!


Also this week, I installed MS Office 365 on this computer.  That’s the software subscription service that keeps you in the latest version of MS Office (now v 2013).  There have been a lot of changes since Office 2003, which I’ve been using for several years now.

Today, it was the WordPress update.  Each one of these hardware and software changes has its own learning curve.  And the learning never ends.  I’m okay with part, but it would be easier at a slower pace. 😎

Playing in the background of all this has been a sore tooth.  It started a couple of weeks ago.  I visited my visit my local dentist, and after some questions, examination, probing, prodding, and whacking on  my teeth, they took an X-Ray image of the area.  Diagnosis called for a root canal.  I had that done yesterday.

I’m hoping for a better experience next week.  Do you know what I mean?