Eye of the Bee Holder

Beauty or Beastly?

Beauty or Beastly?

Warm weather is here.  And I’m enjoying it! :frolic:

Sylvia is working in the flower gardens and I’ve just treated key areas near the house and garage with Critter Ridder.  I’ve been trying to discourage the burrowing bad boys from digging in those places.  I’m hoping this works and that I’m able to seal those places permanently.  Time will tell . . .

Memorial Day

1944 -- a salute for Dad

1944 — a salute for Dad

By God’s grace, my father returned home in 1945.  Not all did.

Today we remember those paid the ultimate price in service to their nation.


Surprise!  Where did this come from?

Surprise! Where did this come from?

I went out to “grandma’s garden” to gather some catnip for Nellie.  And I saw this pansy.  I don’t recall it being there before.  Perhaps Sylvia planted it when I wasn’t looking?  Or maybe I just forgot.  That’s probably the more likely case.

The title for this post is taken from a newsletter from missionary friends that are serving in the middle east.  Here is what they said:

Patience isn’t the ability to wait
but the ability to have a good attitude while waiting.

That tiny snippet is an excellent reminder.  At least it is for me.  Once I make a decision, I’m ready to spring into action.  That’s not always the smartest thing to do.  Fortunately, I have Sylvia to help moderate my impulsiveness.

I missed her today when I met with Paul, our financial adviser.  I’m supposed to tell her that he insists she be present at our next meeting.  I got a bit carried away with word games during our conversation.

Roses Are Red


You’re probably thinking that the next line is, “Violets are blue.”  But guess again.  Don’t they look more purple?  If that so perhaps the poem should go:

Roses are red,
Violets are purple,
Sugar is sweet,
So is maple syruple.

Or maybe we could go more traditional, but with a rearrangement:

Violets are blue,
Roses are red,
Would somebody please,
Plug the hole in my head.

What lines would you write?


Damp World Blues

Damp world blues?  That’s a song that I could sing today.  The day is overcast the ground is wet from overnight rain and the air is 20 degrees cooler than it was at the start of the week.  Nevertheless, I choose to find the beauty and rejoice in that.  I don’t have to look far to find that beauty.

The yellow tulip blossoms have opened

The yellow tulip blossoms have opened

The shadows tell the story.  I didn’t take these shots today.  It was earlier in the week.

Red and yellow.  Hooray!

Red and yellow. Hooray!

I feel better already.

Happy Mothers’ Day

Best wishes of the day for all you mothers out there.  That includes birth moms, adoptive moms, surrogate moms, critter moms and any other moms that I may have overlooked in ignorance.

Special wishes to Sylvia, the mother of our sons.

Not a recent photo

Not a recent photo

Here hoping your day is “super good.”

Don’t Mow Here

Yesterday was hot.  Temps reached the mid 80s.  Moisture from Tuesday’s rain had gone by the afternoon.  It was time to mow the lawn for the first time this year.  So I did.

I was about halfway through the job when I saw a killdeer doing the “broken wing” dance.  Where is the nest she’s trying to hide?

I continued mowing while keeping an eye out for the well hidden nest.  Once clear of that immediate area, I kept looking back to see where the bird would return.

Each time I came around, the killdeer was a bit bolder.

Killdeer defends nest

Killdeer defends nest

And then I saw the well camouflaged nest.  It held four eggs.


I mowed a large circle around the nest and the left the inside undisturbed.  Not the question for which we await an answer is: How long before the eggs hatch?  Stay tuned.

Tulip Time

I’ve been waiting.  And waiting.  Finally the tulips put forth buds.  The buds refused to open.  Day after day I would look to see if they had opened.  They hadn’t.  They were acting like refuseniks.  Promises made, but carry-through delayed.

Finally, they are open.  It was worth the wait.

Tulip delights in morning sun

Tulip delights in morning sun

I love the addition of reds to the yellow and white of daffodils.  Makes things look more cheery.  (Cherry?)

Nice color combos

Nice color combos

Fortunately, not all the tulips are red.  Some are yellow.

Red and yellow tulips and purple myrtle, Oh my

Red and yellow tulips and purple myrtle, Oh my

The high temp today could reach into the 80s.  I can stand it.


The Pain Goes On


I took the full course of antibiotic. Check.

Root canal done, and it went well. Check.

Why does my tooth still hurt?  There are obvious signs of infection and I’ll be doing another round of a different antibiotic.  I’m hoping (and praying) that this one works.

And still I can be, and in fact am, happy.  As my good friend, Vanilla, wrote in his blog today, “Happiness is a choice.”  That’s something I’ve been saying for years–not so much to lectures others as to remind myself of that fundamental truth.

Late Afternoon

Late afternoon is a pleasant time of day, perhaps the best.  I like that time of the day.  However, it’s not the best time of day to take pictures.  Nevertheless, I had to try yesterday.  My closeup photos were out of focus.  I finally remembered how to setup the camera for macro shots.  I had to try.

Another variety of daffodil bursts forth in glorious splendor

Another variety of daffodil bursts forth in glorious splendor

It worked!  You can see the purple-blue blossoms in the back.  We call them myrtle, others call them vinca.  In England it would be called periwinkle.

I love the richness of the color

I love the richness of the color

Sylvia returned home today.  Hooray!  Nellie and I are happy.

I was going to report that last Friday, as I was returning from the endodontist, I saw a golden eagle less than three miles from home.  It took to wing as I approached and I got an excellent close-up view.  No camera, besides I was driving–it wouldn’t have worked if I had the camera with me.

I only see a golden eagle here in the neighborhood a couple of times a year.  It is always a happy day for me when I do.