A Frigid Saturday ~ For Horses & Cats

Yesterday, was supposed to be the Annual Sleigh Ride, Chili Dinner, and Silent Auction at the West Berlin Church. Friday had started well, but ended with a cold front moving into our area. For that reason, the horse masters called Saturday morning to cancel the appearance of their magnificent animals.

Despite the frigid air, the horses would have worked up a sweat as they pulled their sleigh. When they stopped to rest they could take a chill that could result in pneumonia, which could be fatal. The horses stayed home.

We missed the appearance of this team of Belgian beauties.

And this powerful pair of Percherons.

Plenty of folks turned out for the food and fun. Some of them were unhappy that the horses didn’t come. (There was even speculation if it was the horses or the horse men that couldn’t take the cold.) There was plenty of very good food and enough tabasco sauce to bring the chili up to a good taste.

It was a good day. Okay, it would have been better with the horses. Let’s hope they’ll come next year when we try again.

Corporal Continues to Strike Out

Our cat, Corporal, continues to fail in her attempts to catch a bird. As I watched the other day, she came gliding in as low to the ground as she could get. She came up the path where the tractor tire had packed down the snow as I pushed it out of the way to make a people path to reload the feeders. This gave her fair cover and she quickly was within striking distance.

Our feathered friends have discovered her tricks and they are not fooled. As before they left. Corporal tired in a few minutes. This is not working! She went over to the post and sharpened claws, stretched and they walked gracefully away. You can’t let defeat show. She will try again.
This entry was posted in Cats, Church, Country Life, Winter by Chuck. Bookmark the permalink.

About Chuck

I am retired after a career in electronics and in publishing. Today, my wife of 50+ years, Sylvia, and I live in a house on a hill beside a dirt road in rural west Michigan. We enjoy living in this country environment where livestock and wild life out number the human population.

One thought on “A Frigid Saturday ~ For Horses & Cats

  1. It was nice that you still had good food and good fellowship, even without the horses.

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