Feeling Daffy

The miniature daffodils are in bloom.  They are really neat.

A regular size daffodils puts the miniatures in scale.

A regular size daffodil puts the miniatures in scale.

Thus far only the dark yellows have blossomed.  We have some other shades, but they tend to blossom a little later.  I’ll keep watching.

Warm weather is now with us.  That’s kind of nice.  It means that it’s time to get outdoors and do some work on lawn and garden.

That’s a good thing.  Not only does it feel good, but it also helps one to sleep better at night.

An Encounter

It happened when it was not expected.  With my hands full of fallen branches, I was headed toward the brush pile when I saw them.  Enthralled, I watched them as they tried to hide in the afternoon shadows.  Assured they would be there in the morning, I returned after breakfast the next day and captured this image.

Content to bask in the sun in their home on the lawn.

Content to bask in the sun in their home on the lawn.

Last year, Sharkey told us what these are called.  I failed to make a note. :no:   These are beautiful spring flowers.  Fortunately, there are more this year than there were last year.  When mowing, I’ll skip this part of the grass while they are in bloom.

I wanted to get better acquainted and so moved closer.  They posed nicely for their close-up.

These delicate beauties are about thumb-nail size.

These delicate beauties are about thumb-nail size.

Spring snows are gone.  Warmer temperatures are taking control.  Life is good.

One of Those Days


Saturday, the snow began to fall.  Large flakes hit the ground and soon disappeared.  What would you expect from snow in April?

Snow fall intensified.  Certainly it won’t accumulate–but it did.


Saturday evening, the sun set on a snow-covered scene.  Sunday, it slowly went away, leaving the earth green once again.

Easter Surprise

Last Saturday, I checked for new blossoms.  None were out.  I took this picture with the intention of posting it today under the banner of “Promises of Things to Come.”


On Easter, I went out again on another scouting mission.  Just below the new basement window–it had been replaced on Saturday–I discovered these.


It was very special to find those first blossoms on Easter.  I can’t find words to tell you how I felt.


It looks like we are in for a good week.

Looking Back

I’ve looked and looked, but it appears that our final crocus is gone. :no:  I remember what a joyful harbinger of spring they were.  Here are some pix from 6 years ago.

Note to self: Plant crocus this year.  Perhaps add hyacinth.


Last Friday, Lin posted a pic of her snowdrops just for me.  She is very thoughtful, and she know how much I enjoy these harbingers of spring.  Our snowdrops are usually four weeks or so behind hers.  Not this year!

After seeing Lin’s post, I slipped on my coat and went out to check the west side of the barn.  That’s where our snowdrops grow.  In the past we’ve had six or seven that would come up each spring.  While I expected to see nothing, I saw 14 blossoms.  Surprise!

Snowdrops in the morning shade.

Snowdrops in the morning shade.

I went back to check in the afternoon while the sun was shining on them.  Well, as much sun as was not shaded by the two trees that grow in that area.  They were open.

The snowdrop blossoms were open.

The snowdrop blossoms were open.

Another trio were also enjoying the bright warmth.

Basking in the afternoon sun.

Basking in the afternoon sun.

Most of our crocus plants are gone.  Probably eaten by burrowing critters.  All of our hyacinths are gone too.  We’re keeping an eye out for the one crocus that remains.


It is mid-November.  For the most part, deciduous trees have dropped their leaves.  Does that leave your world looking drab?  Look again.

A wise person once noted that beauty is where you find it.  I’ll add that it is not hard to find.  It may try to disguise itself, but beauty can be found.  You have only to look.


Don’t forget to look where the light is a bit dim.  Perhaps behind some sort of cover.


Beauty may lurk behind a fence, or even beyond.  Hidden where you can’t quite focus.  It is out there.  You have to find it for yourself.


Sometimes, it appears with a seasonal type of feel.  (Okay this pushing it a bit early.)

Where do you see beauty?

Color Tour Pt3

I hadn’t planned on making this photo essay a three-part project.  After capturing the image of maple leaves (in yesterday’s post), I headed for the warmth of the house.  With one hand on the door, I looked to my right.  My hand let go of the door.  As it closed, I walked to the deck railing and set up the tripod.

It was in Sylvia’s flower garden (actually one of three).  I thought you too might enjoy these autumnal colors.


Light was weak in this patch of pink.  Full light here comes in the mid afternoon.  Rain had fallen that morning and you can see (not easily) drops on a few leaves.


A darker purple in this patch.  Also much stronger light.  Moisture shows better in this image.  Grasses in the background are good collectors.

Finally, I’ll wrap this tour with my favorite shot from the flower garden.


I was going to present a wider view.  When I resized, the moisture disappeared.  For that reason, I cropped the scene while keeping the red, green, white color contrast.


Surrounded by Beauty

Just open your eyes
Beauty encompasses you
See, rejoice, be glad


The green plant that surrounds the flowers is New Zealand spinach.  We love it as its leaves are thicker than traditional spinach and (more important) it doesn’t bolt in warm weather.  Beautiful greens from spring until first frost!


The mulch that Barbara and Bryant put down in Sylvia’s granny garden is still controlling weeds very well.  Looks like I need to go out there for twenty minutes and do a little clean up.


The end of summer is on us, and fall arrives next week.  These blossoms tell me that it will soon be autumn.  Enjoy the warm earth and cooler air of the season.


Do you think we need more color in this corner?


This is here to remind us that beauty is wherever you find it.  What do you see around you?

Late Afternoon Photos

Yesterday about a half-hour before sunset, I went out with my camera.  My goal was to capture an image of the beautiful red rose that is in full bloom.

I chose that time of day for the soft light.  On a cloudless day with the sun high in the sky, outdoor scenes will have very high contrast.  While our eyes handle this well, it is not an optimum situation for capturing a photographic image.

Also around sunset the breeze usually stills.  Nothing like trying to capture an image of a long-stemmed flower in a gusty breeze.

Mission accomplished.

It even looks soft!

It even looks soft!

There was more to see while I was in Sylvia’s flower gardens with the camera.

Reminds me of a star

Reminds me of a star

I’m amazed at the contrast in this back-lit blossom.  It seems to call out for attention.

This next one is not high in contrast, but I like the fullness of the flower.  You can also see some of the other colors on the “lower level.”

You see this and know that somebody loves you

You see this and know that somebody loves you

I like the quality of the light in these photos.  It gives a soft texture to the image.

It was nice to have no breeze while shooting photos.  The down-side is that there is no hindrance to the mosquitoes that love to dine on our blood.