Corporal Strikes Out ~ Again!

Corporal has done it again! She severely wounded her feline pride by doing a face plant in a snow bank while missing the birds she was going for. So for the following two days she would regularly visit the area, crouching behind the snow. Unfortunately for our gal, the birds were on to her tricks — they stayed away.

When I first saw her she was crouching, but she became tired. By the time I had retrieved the camera she was sitting up — still waiting, but not crouching. The day before, one junco and one gold finch fed on fallen seeds upon the ground. They always stayed out of range — mostly on the other side of the post. Poor frustrated Corporal.

Both days she eventually tired enough to give up on her hunt. Within minutes our feathered friends returned to continue feeding on sunflower seeds.
Will Corporal ever be successful? Only time will tell. I don’t expect that she’s ready to entirely abandon her quest.
Who do you cheer for? Corporal? Or the birds?
This entry was posted in Birds, Cats, Country Life, Winter by Chuck. Bookmark the permalink.

About Chuck

I am retired after a career in electronics and in publishing. Today, my wife of 50+ years, Sylvia, and I live in a house on a hill beside a dirt road in rural west Michigan. We enjoy living in this country environment where livestock and wild life out number the human population.

2 thoughts on “Corporal Strikes Out ~ Again!

  1. I’m rooting for the birds, since I pay for the cat food for the barn cats. I’m hoping that Corporal only goes for the mice and voles and moles.

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