Fourth Blogaversary

Another year has come around and Secondary Rds is celebrating 4 years of blogging.  So much has happened during that time.  Change seems to be the theme that describes the experience for me.

Do you remember Entrecard?  How about Adgitize?  They only exist in memory today.

Unfortunately, new friends came and then went away.  Fortunately, some have stayed.  These are very special.  Perhaps we are the survivors? 😀

I wish you were here so I could offer you a piece of cake and a cup of coffee to help celebrate this bogaversary.  Okay we have an assortment of teas for those of you that think that coffee tastes like dirt.  You know that it is only right that coffee tastes like dirt.  After all it was ground this morning. :ha:

Thanks for visiting today.  Do come back now, okay?


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About Chuck

I am retired after a career in electronics and in publishing. Today, my wife of 50+ years, Sylvia, and I live in a house on a hill beside a dirt road in rural west Michigan. We enjoy living in this country environment where livestock and wild life out number the human population.

12 thoughts on “Fourth Blogaversary

    • Thanks Mette,

      I’ve got some nice Guatemalan coffee to brew up in the new Aeropress coffee maker.

      HNY to U and Urs. :yea:

  1. Happy day, and I am so glad we have been able to have a real cuppa together and cake or one of its relatives, not just virtual ones.

    • It sure has been nice for Sylvia and me too. 8) The latch string is always out for you, and we hope to do it again soon.

  2. Happy Blogoversary Chuck!! :up: Thank you for mentioning the cake. I have some in the fridge I have been avoiding. Now I must have a piece! And I love coffee!! :yea: I hope you have the grandest day ever!! :food:

  3. Oh, got so focused on cake and coffee I forgot to say what I clicked over here to say, which is: Glad you have stuck with this for four years and look forward to many more. Happy blogoversary.

    • Thanks. I too am glad I’ve stuck around. It’s been a fun ride and I’m glad that we’ve shared the experience since the early days. 😀

  4. Wish I could take you up on the cake and coffee this morning. I’ll drink a cuppa :here and reflect on the visit we might have had. :think:

    • That sure would be nice to see you again and share a cup. My Aero press (coffee maker) is slated for delivery on Friday. :awe:

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