Wishing You a Happy New Year

Sylvia joins me in wishing you and yours a happy, healthy and prosperous 2013.

The house is quiet today.  Sylvia is with her father for a few days.  Next week, he’ll be flying to Florida to spend a couple of months with Sylvia’s youngest sister.  Until then someone will be with him each day.

Maybe I’ll watch some movies . . .  Let’s see what would be good for the New Year celebration?  At Christmas, I watched Die Hard andDie Harder, which are set in that time period.  What about New Year?  Any ideas or suggestions for me?

I’m going to try to be more active this year.  You may recall I tried Zumba and was two weeks recovering from a 45-minute workout.  I think I’ll ease into this.  Step one: Reach for coffee cup.  Two: Lift.  Three: Bring to lips.  Four: Tip.  Five: Drink.  Six: Straighten cup.  Seven: Return cup to previous position.  Eight: Relax.  Repeat this several times.  Yes, that will work for starters. 😉

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About Chuck

I am retired after a career in electronics and in publishing. Today, my wife of 50+ years, Sylvia, and I live in a house on a hill beside a dirt road in rural west Michigan. We enjoy living in this country environment where livestock and wild life out number the human population.

13 thoughts on “Wishing You a Happy New Year

  1. BWAHAHAHA!!! I love your new exercise! I think I’ll join your club. :ha:

    Happy New Year, to all. I still miss Midnight. 😥

  2. I’m gonna stick to the swimming. It doesn’t make me hurt too bad and I can hide all my lumps and bumps in all that water. 🙂

  3. Happy New Year Chuck and shout out a Happy New Year to Sylvia too. That can be counted as a little exercise too.

    I am working my elbow out with a cup of coffee this morning too! I hope 2013 is filled with all good things for you two!! 🙂

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