
September Sunrise

Where did the sun find you this day?
Were you at Work?  Asleep?  At play?
When it exits at day’s end,
What will you have done my Friend?


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About Chuck

I am retired after a career in electronics and in publishing. Today, my wife of 50+ years, Sylvia, and I live in a house on a hill beside a dirt road in rural west Michigan. We enjoy living in this country environment where livestock and wild life out number the human population.

3 thoughts on “Questions

  1. That's a beautiful sunrise,
    I try to skip 'em.
    I'm better with moonrise,
    Like a Midnight kitten.

  2. The sun found me, it's sad to say
    Still in bed at start of day.
    Lifelong habit of greeting the sun
    Is broken, my useful life is done.

    (Pretty much tells you what I'll accomplish.)

  3. Any bit of warm sunshine finds me puttering in the garden these days, Chuck. Winter is coming and I like to get the gardens ready for slumber. Well, and me too…..hibernation, here I come!

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