This morning I took camera in hand to get a picture of the Suzies that grow on the front side of our house. They are always very charming.
This one was entertaining a visitor.
These two shots I added to the two images I capture Sunday evening. I went out Sunday to capture a photo of my favorite day lily before it was too late. (It [they] grow[s] on the front side of the house.)
You can see why I particularly enjoy this beauty. After capturing that image I turned 180 degrees to see the sun low in the western sky.
We had received a quarter inch of rain to supplement the 1.5 inches we’d received a couple of days earlier, so the sky was cloudy. The peeking sun did put some drama in the scene.
In the Garden
I haven’t done a good job of reporting on out garden, so this morning I captured this image.
On the left, fence-climbing peas. Behind them are onions that heavy rains have bent down. We’ve harvested about half of them already. Potatoes and tomatoes are behind the onions. Rhubarb grows along the far fence. It doesn’t look big, because we keep it well harvested. The taller green plants are zucchini, which are as prolific as you would expect. Beyond them is New Zealand spinach–a favorite of ours because it doesn’t bolt in warm weather and gives us great greens from spring until first frost. Beets grow along the fence beyond the blue spinner. They are quite tasty this year. We are fed up.