The Mystery Solved

As I suspected, several of you had better luck identifying my first grad photo.  In case you missed, here’s the answer:

Maybe if I’d have had a white beard back then . . .  Or not.

Hey Lin, when’s the next Dork Off contest.  I found Sylvia found the photo I had been looking to enter in your contest.  Maybe the next time.

The Envelope, Part 3

I apologize for the photo I posted yesterday.  Not even family members could pick me out of that lineup.  I’m still searching for the 5th grade individual photo.  In an effort to atone for my bad, here is a photo from first grade.

Click on the photo to see it enlarged.  My friend, Duane is in the third row.  He is the fourth one from the left.  Can you find me this time?

Do you think I deserve this award?

Please say, No.

The Lost Is Found

Sylvia found the missing photo.  That group shot didn’t have enough detail.  Amazing how a photo will deteriorate after 60 years.  And for me, how much more?

No, my hair wasn’t poofy, but I did wear my scout uniform.  Why do boy change so much more than girls?

Thanks to Sylvia for .

The Envelope, Part 2

Yesterday on the Duck and Wheel, Lin posted “The Envelope Please . . .”  Her mom had given Lin an envelope with some photos.  One of the photos in that packet was of Lin’s 4th grade class.  She proceeded to challenge her readers to identify her mug shot from the group.  It was a lot of fun, and some of us managed to correctly identify the young Lin.

I don’t have a class picture from 4th grade, but I do have one from fifth grade. Can you identify me in the photo?

I’ll give you two hints.  First, I’m not a girl.  Second, there is something similar about my photo and Lin’s. 

Okay, one more hint.  I’m not the guy in the fifth row on the far right.  That was Duane C, who was a special friend. He saved me from drowning in Lake Michigan when we were in High School.  He joined the US Marine Corps and afterward was a policeman and public safety officer in Kalamazoo, Michigan.  Duane died just before our class’ 50 year reunion.  There are tears in my eyes as I write this.

Contest! ~ What Is It?

It time to play our photo quiz again. So here is the photo. Do you know what it is?

The first person to correctly identify the subject of this photo, will win 1000 EC credits, The Tommy Toe Award and fame. (Warning, fame may be fleeting.)

When you think you have the correct answer, file a comment on this posting. Deadline is 7 PM EDT on Thursday, Sept 24.

You know you want a Tommy Toe. Enter the contest and you may win this lovely award.

What It Is

Last week Friday, you were challanged to identify this photo fragment:

You have patiently awaiting the announcement of the winner. One commenter wanted assurance that it wasn’t pickled pig’s feet, because that would be gross. Another asked if it was a water-soaked cheese doodle. You can relax it’s neither one of those. Perhaps I owe these two an apology for the misdirection. They’ll never trust me again.

And here you have the wide angle view of this beauty in our formal garden.

And the winner, being the first to correctly identify the species and the botanical portion of the image, is Meghan.

Meghan said…

Good morning, neighbor! Is it a close up of daffodil stamens?

Congratulations, Meghan, you are the latest recipient of the Tommy Toe Award.

The Tommy Toe gets its name from what my mother used to call this wonderful fruit that makes such wonderful sandwiches with bacon and lettuce. The BLT was one of my mother’s favorites. Every year when fresh tomatoes were available in the garden, she would get together with a friend and they would make BLTs for lunch. I remember those days well, and I still consider the BLT to be one of my favorite sandwiches.

Lots of good guessers out there. Mikki Black said… I agree with Meghan – it’s got to be a flower’s pollen stash!
Lin said…I’m thinking it’s the private parts of a flower?
vanilla said…Guess: anthers in one of your gorgeous bloomin’ flowers. Possibly Stella d’Oro?

The Stella d’Oros are not yet in bloom here in west Michigan. The iris and daisys have just blossomed.

Thanks to all who participated and congratulations to Meghan. She calls me neighbor, because her property and ours abut. She is also the owner of the beautiful and delightful creature, Grace the llama. We enjoyed eggs from her hens at breakfast this morning.

What Is It? ~ Photo Quiz

Once again it’s time to play, “What Is It?” Renown and reward await the winner. Are you ready? Let’s play!

You mission, you should you accept it, is to identify the above image. You will notice the strange texture and context. I will give you a hint. The photo was not taken on the Great Barrier Reef. Okay, another hint. The photo was not taken in salt water. Animal, vegetable or mineral, you must decide.

Submit captions in comments. Multiple entries are accepted. The winner will receive the much coveted Tommy Toe Award.

The Tommy Toe gets its name from what my mother used to call this wonderful fruit that makes such wonderful sandwiches with bacon and lettuce. The BLT was one of my mother’s favorites. Every year when fresh tomatoes were available in the garden, she would get together with a friend and they would make BLTs for lunch. I remember those days well, and I still consider the BLT to be one of my favorite sandwiches.

In addition 500 EC credits will be awarded to the winner.

What It Is #3

On Monday, Secondary Roads announced “What Is It? #3.” The announcement said, “I expect this one will be the most difficult yet.” Your answers prove how correct that was. To refresh your memory here is the extreme close-up picture.

So here are your guesses:

Anonymous Bryant said…

I really need to know why you winterized/shrinkwrapped King Tut’s tomb? Everyone can still easily see his facial features under the plastic, next time try to at least challenge us!

Anonymous Sylvia (wife of Secondary Roads) said…

My first thought was a cabbage leaf, but it could also be part of a flower.Delete

Blogger Mikki Black said…

So, my first thought was

KLINGONS!!!!! Then I thought it looked like an elephant.

Then I thought maybe some sort of embellished jacket.

But it’s probably something totally common like a cat or a plunger or something.


Blogger Sharkbytes said…

I think it is some portion of a raw plucked chicken, perhaps the side of the breast looking toward the leg, but perhaps I won’t have to commit myself to the exact GPS of chicken world.Delete

Blogger Da Old Man said…

Close up of the first plant of spring poking it’s way through the ground. I’d guess a leaf of a flower like those purple ones. I don’t know flower names.

April 20, 2009 1:33 PM


Blogger Justine/Justiney/Tiney said…

It almost looks like a bear print… on something.

Or some kind of seed pod?

Blogger Lin said…

I know you are nowhere near the beach, but I would go with a really close-up view of a dead horseshoe crab lying on a warm sunny beach somewhere tropical instead of here, where the weather is cold and stinky and possibly snowy again tonight.

So now it’s time to see what it is. And here is a heron that took a breather on a cross-country jaunt. I saw it out the office window and managed to get this shot.

As you can plainly see, no one guessed a wading bird on Secondary Road’s yard. Okay, the second part is not necessary. However, no one had the correct answer. The rules say, “the first with the correct or best answer. I had trouble deciding who had the best answer.” So after disqualifying Sylvia, I asked her to help me judge the answers.

The judges are unanimous that Mikki Black’s answer, “Some sort of embellished jacket” is the best answer and she therefore receives the coveted Tommy Toe Award. Congratulations Mikki.

Mikki does not participate in Entrecard. For that reason, the 500 ECs are awarded to Sharkbytes for her answer, “some portion of a raw plucked chicken, perhaps the side of the breast.” It is a bird breast.

Finally, kudos to Lin for taking us to the beach at a time when the weather in our part of the world was not at all pleasant, and to Bryant for creativity.

Special thanks to all who participated. Be sure to watch for another contest next month.

What Is It? #3 ~ Enter the Tommy Toe Award

Once again, it’s time to play “What Is It? I expect this one will be the most difficult yet. Look it over carefully and give it your best shot. Multiple guesses are accepted and welcome.

The first correct or best guess will be declared the winner. The winner will be awarded 500 ECs and the Tommy Toe Award for sheer brilliance.

The Tommy Toe gets its name from what my mother used to call this wonderful fruit that makes such wonderful sandwiches with bacon and lettuce. The BLT was one of my mother’s favorites. Every year when fresh tomatoes were available in the garden, she would get together with a friend and they would make BLTs for lunch. I remember those days well, and I still consider the BLT to be one of my favorite sandwiches.

The first “What Is It?” contest had no declared winner. Our (Sylvia and my) first-born son, Bryant, was mostly there with his answer. However, as he is not a blogger the prize is awarded to the first runner-up. Clara of Coming back to Life. It is appropriate that she be the first winner of this award, which is in honor of our mother. (Yes, Clara is my sister.)

The second “What Is It?” contest was won by Sharkbytes. She is therefore awarded the Tommy Toe and 500 ECs.

Who will win this one? Post comments with your guesses. The winner will be announced on Friday.

Thanks Crotchety!

Secondary Roads thanks the Crotchety Old Man for the Zucchini Award, which is proudly displayed on the left side of this page. He really is a neat guy. Visit him today.

What It Is & Misc.

On Tuesday, I asked you to identify the following:

Sharkbytes at My Quality Day nailed it first. Okay, it was on her second guess — but she had no feedback. It was strictly self-correction. I’ll host her badge on this blog as her reward. She said it was this:

You should identify the close up as being the mane of the lovely Belgian mare on the left. Her gelding harness mate helps her pull the sleigh at our church’s annual sleigh ride and chili dinner, which is held each January. It’s a lot of fun for everyone. And it’s good exercise for the horses.

Coming Attractions

Starting Monday, Sylvia will be our guest blogger as she shares a three-part story of her mission trip to Honduras. I’m looking forward to it, and I hope you come back, read and enjoy.

Sylvia’s new digital camera arrived today by UPS. We are learning how to use it. The UPS delivery guy also took my camera for delivery to the warranty repair service. We should soon have new photos for me to post.